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Activated Charcoal Bar Soap

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5.0 (251 Ratings)

This DIY Activated Charcoal Bar Soap can be used on the face as well as the body and is great for detoxing skin. It’s super easy to make and safe for all skin types!

Angled front view with bag zipped and handles upright.



Step 1
-Cut the soap base in pieces and place in a large glass bowl. -Add activated charcoal to soap base. -Create a double boiler by filling a medium sized pot 1/2 way full with water. Place on the stove top turning the heat to medium. Place the glass bowl with the soap base and activated charcoal on the stove. -Allow the soap to thoroughly melt. -You will need to stir periodically to get the activated charcoal powder to dissolve. -Spray soap molds with non-stick cooking spray. -Once the soap has melted and the activated charcoal has melted, remove from heat and add the essential oils. -Pour into soap molds and allow to sit at room temperature for 1 hour. -Place in the fridge for 1 more hour. -Pop out of the molds and use!!


Shelf Life

Less than a year