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Color Enhancing Hair Mask (For Brunette)

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3.1 (9 Ratings)

Angled front view with bag zipped and handles upright.



Step 1
Bring the water to a boil in a small saucepan. Remove from Heat.
Step 2
Drop in the black tea bags -- over a few uses, this dark liquid will deepen and enrich your hair's natural coloration. Let steep for 5 minutes for an extra strong brew, then let cool to room temperature.
Step 3
In a small bowl, combine 1/4 cup (60 mL) tea with cocoa powder and yogurt. Use a spoon to mix.
Step 4
To use, apply to dry hair and leave on for 30 minutes, enjoying the remaining tea while you wait. Rinse and follow with shampoo.


Storage: Use immediately

Shelf Life

Less than a year