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3.8 (141 Ratings)

Angled front view with bag zipped and handles upright.



Step 1
In a small glass bowl, melt coconut oil in the microwave or over a double boiler. Add 1/4-1 tsp of homemade powdered foundation, depending on how dark you want the tinted moisturizer to be. (You can re-melt the oils and add additional color if needed.) ** For oily skin, add 5 drops of nourishing oil, plus 1-2 drops frankincense or lavender essential oil. ** For normal and/or dry skin, add 15 drops of nourishing oil. ** You can also mix the levels of lavender essential oil and nourishing oils to best suit your skin type. Using a whisk or a spoon, mix well. Allow to cool to room temperature and whip until the moisturizer is a smooth consistency and to ensure there are no clumps of color. If you want a thinner moisturizer, add additional nourishing oils 3 drops at a time, up to 10 additional drops, stirring well after each addition. Spoon into the storage container and store with a lid. Placing the moisturizer in the fridge to speed up the cooling process.


Shelf Life

Less than a year