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Honey Lavender Face Scrub

Product information

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4.5 (98 Ratings)

helps with your acne and anti-aging

Angled front view with bag zipped and handles upright.


Step 1
To make the face scrub, start by combining the honey and baking soda in a bowl. This is good to do first because you are making a paste and need to know what consistency you want. Pour the baking soda in the bowl first, then gradually add honey, mixing it well, until you have a good paste. Next, you can add in your lavender essential oils and mix well.


When using this type of scrub, open up your pores first by placing a warm and wet towel or washcloth on your face for a few minutes. Next, add the scrub mixture to your face, avoiding your eyes. Use circular motions in a gentle fashion all over your nose, cheeks, chin, upper lip area, and forehead. You can massage it for a few minutes. Rinse it off with cool or warm water.

Shelf Life

Less than a year